SPY24 Monitoring | Mobile tracker, Cell phone tracking, Spy app

 SPY24 Monitoring is a great application that is used to monitor smartphones. SPY24 Monitoring records all incoming and outgoing phone calls, SMS, MMS, GPS coordinates, Whatsapp, Facebook and many others.


SPY24 Monitoring is the next generation of smartphone surveillance software. This mobile tracker application records the incoming and outgoing phone calls, Whatsapp calls, sms and surroundings. It tracks gps locations, the browser activity and messages from applications like Whatsapp, Facebook, Viber, Skype and Line. With the free trial that we offer, you can also test the application.



Use it for

This application can be used for:


tracking your children. You can monitor your children in order to keep them out of harm's way.

tracking your employees. You can monitor your employees in order to see if they use their phone or their time for other reasons.

Backup - backing up data from your phone.

tracking your phone if it was stolen or if you have lost your phone.


How to use it

Install. Install the application on the phone that you want to monitor. You can install the application for free and you will have a free trial. GPS will always be tracked for free.


Login. The cell tracking app uploads activities to your secure online account. You can view all the activities if you login to this server using the account that you have created when you installed the application.


Monitor remotely

SPY24 Monitoring is using the smartphone's internet connection in order to send the data to our server. After that you can monitor the logs remotely from our server. You will need to login to our server using the email and password supplied when you registered the application on the smartphone.


SPY24 Monitoring Features

Call recording

Phone tracker

Sms tracker

Free trial

Whatsapp tracker

Gps tracker

Remote monitor

Integrates with contacts

Remote commands

iOS Support

Supports Android

Picture tracker

Mms tracker

Browser tracker

Instagram tracker

Tinder tracker

Facebook tracker

System logs

Calendar tracker

Skype tracker

Viber tracker

Anti theft

Contacts tracker

Telegram tracker


Line tracker

Applications tracker

Hike tracker

Block apps

Block numbers

Web block


Kik tracker

Tango tracker

Wifi notification

Remote wipe out

Snapchat tracker

Hangouts tracker

Video tracker

Twitter tracker

Internet live control

BBM tracker

WeChat tracker

VK tracker


What is SPY24 Monitoring?

SPY24 Monitoring is the best mobile spy app. This spy mobile tracker is used by parents in order to protect their youngsters from the dangerous online world, such as cyberbullying, sexting or the harmful content that freely circulates online. This spy tracker comes packed with a great number of features such as social media tracker (Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat and many more), recording phone calls, tracking sms and many more. Do you worry about the safety of your children? SPY24 Monitoring is your best solution for an Android phone.


Why is SPY24 Monitoring the best Tracking App?

Our spy mobile app is considered the best choise that you can make because of its complex features. WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber or Snapchat are use as the main method of communication for teenagers. With SPY24 Monitoring, you will be able to track remotely all the messages of these apps, even without ROOT access. All the activities of the phone will be available just by easily installing the app on the phone that you want to track. Our simple installation process can take only about 5 minutes and does not require any techical skills. Test now our mobile spy app free to download. We offer a free, no risk, 3 days trial. Once you are happy with all the tracking features of the app, you have the option to subscribe for a very affordable price. We do not think that there is a better spyapp option available on the market. SPY24 Monitoring was released on 2013, it has millions of users and it is always updated in order to best track all the new versions of the Android system.


For what can you use SPY24 Monitoring?

SPY24 Monitoring can be used as a spy monitor for an Android phone. The two main reasons to use it are for parental control and for employee monitoring. Give yourself peace of mind that your children are always safe and your employees are productive. Tracking your phone if it was lost or stolen, are also reasons to use our spy mobile software.


Is SPY24 Monitoring free?

SPY24 Monitoring offers a free trial. Just download and install the app on the phone you want to monitor. No credit card is required. Our phone monitoring app also offers GPS tracking for FREE. SPY24 Monitoring offers now also a promo. You can buy a FULL one year subscription for 35$ that includes all the features of the app - Limited time offer of 60% SALE. There is no spy app free that offers a large package of tracking features. You should stay away from websites that claim to offer spying using just a phone number or that offer a trial that requires a credit card.


What does SPY24 Monitoring track?

SPY24 Monitoring is a complete phone tracker app. Use the app as a complete phone monitor solution. You can record phone calls, track sms or mms, monitor the Gps location, track and control the apps used on the phone, multimedia spy for pictures or movies, monitor all the visited websites, spy on many social media apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat, Viber, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram or Tiktok. All social media text messages are available without ROOT. Track contacts or the calendar activity. Use the remote commands in order to record surroundings or to take pictures.


What phones does SPY24 Monitoring track?

We recommend that you track an Android phone. We have solutions for iPhones but in general it requires a jailbroken phone or the iCloud password. Tracking with the iCloud password is not reliable. Jailbreak is not available in general. SPY24 Monitoring is a full Android tracker application.


How to use SPY24 Monitoring?

Download SPY24 Monitoring. Install SPY24 Monitoring on the phone that you want it tracked. Create your account when you open the Android app. The same account will be used to login on our website. After you install the app, you will be able to monitor remotely the Android phone. Please make sure you follow the install instructions, which include to disable Play Protect. With Play Protect enabled, the app can be uninstalled or disabled. If the app is uninstalled, you can no longer get updates of the phone's activity. All spy apps can not work if the app is uninstalled. To spy on the mobile phone you may also have to disable any task killer. Stay away from all the loud advertisements that offer hacking solutions for breaking into anyone's phone. For tracking a phone you will need access to that phone.


How to spy on Whatsapp messages?

Install SPY24 Monitoring and in the install process you will have to enable accessibility and notification access. Accessibility is used to get outgoing Whatsapp messages. It is also used to get incoming messages when you are in chat and no notification is shown (this is a feature probably available only for our cell monitoring app). Notification access is needed to get incoming messages from Whatsapp or other social media messages. More info on the page Whatsapp spy.


How to track phone calls?

SPY24 Monitoring offers also call recording. Call recording is supported for all Android versions but from Android 10 Accessibility access is needed also for call recording. For call recording you will need a subscription that includes call recording and surroundings. Our mobile spy app now offers also a promo available at the low price of 35$ per year and includes call recording.


How to track chat messages?

Once you will have installed SPY24 Monitoring, enabled Accessibility and Notification Access, you will have access to these features: sms tracker, sms spy, WhatsApp tracker, Facebook spy or Snapchat spy, track Viber, monitor Line, Hike monitoring, Kik tracking, Hangouts tracer, trace Twitter, WhatsApp Business tracking, monitor KakaoTalk, imo spy, Zalo spying, Discord tracer, Trace Messenger Lite, Hike spying, Instagram spy, monitor Tinder, Telegram monitoring, WeChat tracker, VK monitoring, monitor TikTok, ZOOM monitoring, track Pinterest or track Likee. From Android 11, you will have to enable Admin Rights because without administrator rights, accessibility access will be disabled. Android spy is available for a very large list of social media apps. More info on the pages Whatsapp spy, Facebook spy or Snapchat spy.


How to spy on Facebook or Snapchat messages?

Our spy app fully supports tracking messages from Facebook and Snapchat. Just like for Whatsapp spy, we also support inchat incoming messages tracking for Facebook and Snapchat - even without a notification displayed, this is one of the unique features of our cell monitor app. More info on the pages Facebook spy or Snapchat spy.


How to spy on Android?

Our mobile monitoring app is the best app to have in order to spy on Android. You will need unrestricted access to the phone you want to track in order to install our mobile spying solution.


How to spy on Viber messages?

Our mobile monitor app supports spying on Viber messages without Root. Accessibility and Notification access are required. More info on the page Viber spy


How to spy on Instagram messages?

Our mobile monitoring software supports spying on Instagram messages without Root. Both incoming and outgoing messages will be recorded. Accessibility and Notification access are required. More info on the page Instagram spy


How to track a phone number?

Our phone monitor app can be used to track an Android phone but you have to install the app spy on that phone. The good thing is that once you install the app on the phone that you want to monitor, you will have access to a lot of the activities on the phone, not just the GPS position of the phone.


How to track someone location?

Our phone monitoring app is able to track also the location of the Android phone. The GPS receiver on the phone must be enabled. SPY24 Monitoring is one of the best apps for location cell tracking.


How to trace a stolen phone?

SPY24 Monitoring is a complete phone tracker solution. After you install the app on the phone that you want to monitor, you will also be able to trace the phone if it was stolen. You can have basic cell tracker functions like tracking the GPS position of the phone, you can have a change sim card alert, you can send commands to the phone (for example take picture, record surroundings, start an alarm, lock the screen or even remote wipe)


How can I block activities on the phone?

Our cell phone tracker offers parental control features such as blocking apps, blocking websites or blocking phone calls. For blocking apps we recommend that from Android 10 you display a notification of our app. For blocking websites, Accessibility access is required. Blocking phone calls works until Android 10. Blocking sms is available only on older Android versions.


How to find someone's location?

By installing our cell spy on the phone you want to monitor, you will also be able to get the phone's location. The location of the phone can be retrieved using the wifi or the mobile network of the phone but only if the GPS receiver is enabled.


How to legally use a cell spying app?

SPY24 monitoring is an advanced cell spying app that can be used for parental control or employee monitoring. In general you need the consent of the person that you want to track but we recommend that you check all applicable laws in your country or state. It is only your responsibility to comply with all the laws in the country or state where you are using this software. SPY24 is not spyware and it is not designed to be completely undetectable. All Android tracking apps are not completely hidden, even if almost all of them are promoted as 100% hidden.


How hard is it to track a phone?

Phone tracking requires that you install SPY24 Monitoring on the phone that you want to track. You do not need advanced knowledge of phones or computer in order to install the app. You have to download the app from our website. Use the phone's browser to open our download link. Once you download the .apk file, you just have to open the file in order to install the app on the phone. On our website we also have video tutorials that show how to setup the the app on an Android phone.


How to record surroundings?

SPY24 monitoring comes with 2 options for recording surroundings. Our mobile tracker app offers internet live control - the record surroundings command will be sent on the internet, but if the phone does not have internet access, then the recording will start when the phone connects to the internet. The second option is to send a sms command and this option does not require an internet connection for the phone.


How to pay for SPY24 Monitoring?

You can use Paypal or Stripe in order to pay for our app. Track phone by buying a subscription for the phone you want to monitor. On both Paypal and Stripe you can use your credit card or other methods of payment. On Paypal you can use the money on your Paypal account. For Stripe there is support also for Google pay and Apple pay.


How much does SPY24 Monitoring cost?

SPY24 Monitoring is a complex tracking app that comes at a very affordable price. Cell phone tracking is available for one month, 3 months, 6 months and one year subscriptions that are available for only 10$, 20$, 30$ and 40$ respectively. In case you need call recording, the subscriptions are available for 20$, 40$, 60$ and 80$. We also recommend that you use our promo that is available for only 35$ per one year - with all features included.


Why SPY24 Monitoring is the best spy app for Android?

SPY24 Monitoring is the best spy app for Android because it is exclusively developed for the Android OS and our whole team is working daily to develop and improve it in order to offer you the best tracking app on the market.


When is a spy software used legally?

A spy software can be used legally in general for parental control or for employees monitoring. In all cases we recommend that you inform the person that you are tracking that all the phone's activity is uploaded to our servers. It is also mandatory that you check all the laws in your country/state and you will be responsible for complying with those laws.


When do you need an Android spy app?

An Android spy app such as SPY24 Monitoring is needed if you want to access remotely all the activity of an Android phone. For example you can have access to all the phone calls(call recording included), sms, pictures, all chat messages from apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and many more. We offer an app that is very easy to use/install. After you complete the install process, you will have access to almost everything on the phone.


Why a spyware app is a better parental control solution when having a teen?

You should be very careful when you use a spyware app but these days when technology is spreading so fast, a spying app can be necessary for tracking everything that your teen child is doing online. There are so many dangerous online activities that can affect your child. Cyberbullying, sexting or pornographic material can greatly affect how your child develops. With our app you will have access to a lot of chat messages app that are in general the preferred method of communication for teenagers.


Spy on phone, not a phone number?

If you spy on the phone, instead of a phone number, you will have access to everything on the phone. In general you will see on the internet websites that claim to get Whatsapp messages just by providing a phone number. Even if you insert a number that does not exists, they will claim that they have retrieved the Whatsapp messages and you will still be redirected to a checkout page. Extracting messages from Whatsapp based only on the phone number, would be possible only if you would be able to access the Whatsapp database that is not public. When it comes to tracking a phone number, there can be some public information based on the sim card but this information is very basic and it is available only for a limited amount of phones. If you want to have complete access to the phone, then a tracking app such as SPY24 Monitoring is the only way to track the phone.


Why SPY24 Monitoring is an exclusive spy app Android and why this is good for you?

SPY24 Monitoring is an exclusive spy app Android because the Android system offers tracking features for an app. For an iPhone, the iOS system can offer only GPS tracking. It is possible to develop a jailbroken app that would not be publish on App Store but on Cydia. Unfortunately there is not a way right now to jailbreak the new versions of iOS, therefore it does not make a lot of sense to develop a jailbroken tracking app. There are companies that allow tracking an iPhone just by using the iCloud password. We have discontinued tracking with the iCloud password because also this method is not reliable - the backups are not quickly updated, there can be problems with the 2 factor authentication or even the backups are not consistent. These are the reasons why we are only specialized for spy android phone, the only system that offers tracking features.


How to ethically use a mobile monitoring app for employees monitoring?

To ethically use a mobile monitoring app for employees monitoring, you must inform your employees that they are monitored. You can install the app on the phone that your employee uses for work. Once he finishes work, he should also have the option to shutdown the phone in order to keep the privacy for his personal life.


Can SPY24 Monitoring be considered a free spy app?

SPY24 Monitoring can be considered a free spy app because it comes with a free, zero risk, 3 days trial that includes almost all the features of the app. The only limitation in the trial is that it only offers 3 call recordings. Based on our research, we never found an app that would offer such a trial with no credit card required. After the trial, you will still have access to the GPS location of the phone, even without an active subscription. If you want to subscribe to our service, you will have the option to buy our app at probably the best price on the market. Our Limited time offer of 60% SALE is available for 35$ for one year(all features included) which is about 2 times cheaper than the one month price asked by some other tracking apps.


What is the cheapest and most complex spy cell phone app on the market?

There are many tracking apps available on the internet but based on our research SPY24 Monitoring is the most affordable and most complex spy cell phone app on the market. Our app comes also with some unique features like for example tracking in chat incoming messages for Whatsapp, Facebook and Snapchat or tracking the contact name for the Facebook messages. We are fully committed to upgrade the tracking features of our app, so expect even more in the near feature.












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